
Noel Gallagher Solo Project / Oasis' Next Album

Noel has been quoted in the NME about the idea of a solo album. Finally...

"I've actually got a backlog of songs that are slowly building up. The thing about a solo record is the time to do one is between Oasis world tours because you'd have a good couple of years.

"But it takes me so long to write the songs that eventually I run out of time (before Oasis begins again), but I've got a backlog now of about four or five songs which are probably too far in the past as far as the band in concerned, but which could work on my record... it's coming."

Also, Noel weighed in on Oasis' next album:

"The next one in theory is already fucking written. I've got eight songs that I'm pretty happy with. I think Liam's got one or two that he thinks are brilliant. We're waiting for Gem and Andy. It's just a case of sitting down and saying, 'When do we want to do this?'"
Its great to finally see the gears are set in motion for Noel's solo album even if it is just a dream for now...

Also, funny how he speaks of Liam's songs as only Liam thinks they are brilliant. Funny stuff...

Should be a good couple years ahead for the brothers Gallagher...

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